free things to do in New York City
Free events for Saturday, 07/27/24

July 2024

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Free Events, Free Things to Do in New York City!  Read More

Free things to do in New York City! Free events in New York City! (All events are free unless otherwise noted)

You never run out of free things to do, free events to go to in New York City! So start taking advantage of those free things to do today! Don't miss the opportunities that only New York provides with non-ending amount of free things to do, free events to go to!

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The quality and quantity of free events, free things to do that happen in New York City every day of the year is truly amazing.

Where else but in New York City can you listen to a world-class musician, discuss a book with a famous author, take a part in poetry reading, have a glass of wine at an art exhibition opening, and all that on the same day, and all that free of charge!

The trick is to know about those free events, free things to do BEFORE they happen, not after the fact. That's where Club freeTime comes in handy -- Club freeTime allows you to take advantage of all the free things to do, all the free events that take place in New York City, as you find out about them just in time! Start using these unique New York City opportunities today!

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Club freeTime is the only complete source of free events, free things to do in New York City: your perfect guide to free Entertainment & free Culture in the City that never sleeps.

Contrary to the common misconception that most of free events, free things to do, happen in New York City in summer, October and March are the busiest months in New York City in terms of free events, free things to do. That 'summer' misconception is due to big publicity that some of New York City summer free events, free thing to do get.

In fact, New York City, NYC, never ceases to amaze you with quantity and quality of its free events, free things to do whether it's summer or winter, spring or fall. Start using these unique New York City opportunities today!

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We make sure that New Yorkers and visitors to New York are informed about ALL free events, ALL free things to do that happen in New York City. The variety and quality are just mind boggling!

NYC, NY free events, free things to do: low budget/high class!

Start using these unique New York City opportunities today!

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In addition to providing information about free events, free things to do in New York City, Club freeTime offers its members complimentary tickets (a member can reserve up to 5 complimentary tickets per performance) to classical music concerts, dance performances and theater in New York City: when a producer wants that special buzz of the 'full house' - Club freeTime members are welcomed for their enthusiasm and sophistication!

Start using these unique New York City opportunities today!

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Get a taste of free Culture & free Entertainment in New York City!

Free culture & free entertainment in New York City is low budget, but high class!

Start taking advantage of New York City Free Events, Free Things to Do, of free culture and free entertainment in New York City, NYC, NY, today!

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'Open up a whole new cultural world... in one of the most vibrant capital cities in the world, sampling cultural delights beyond anyone's wildest dream.' Rupert Parker, journalist, photographer, cameraman, and TV producer

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The quality and quantity of
free events,
free things to do
that happen in New York City
every day of the year
is truly amazing.

So don't miss the opportunities
that only New York provides:
stop wondering what to do;
start taking advantage of
free events to go to,
free things to do in NYC

290 free workshops in New York City (NYC) Sat, 07/27/2024 - and on...

Free workshops are among the many free, low budget and inexpensive events New York City has to offer.


Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
9:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Yoga in the Garden

Are you ready to rejuvenate your body and mind amidst the beauty of nature? This is an invigorating outdoor yoga session in the serene embrace of a community garden. This offers the perfect opportunity to connect with nature, breathe in the fresh air, and stretch your body under the open sky. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, it is tailored to accommodate all levels, so don't hesitate to participate. Please bring your own yoga mat and water bottle.  
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
9:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Yoga in the Garden

Workshop | Drawing in the Park

Paint in watercolor or use pastels and other drawing materials to capture the magical vistas of the Hudson River and the unique landscape of the cove. An artist/educator will help participants of all levels with instruction and critique. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
10:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Drawing in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
11:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
11:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
11:00 am

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
1:00 pm

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Paper Making Workshop

In con­nec­tion with her site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion, artist Michele Brody will demon­strate and teach vis­it­ing par­tic­i­pants how to make paper from local­ly sourced milk­weed plants. This hands-on pro­gram will intro­duce par­tic­i­pants to the basics of mak­ing sheets of paper from nat­u­ral­ly for­aged mate­ri­als. Par­tic­i­pants will expe­ri­ence the many stages of how to regen­er­ate milk­weed plants (the host plant for the Monarch But­ter­fly) into hand­made paper origa­mi but­ter­flies for her evolv­ing site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion high­light­ing the need for more nat­ur­al diver­si­ty in New York City.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
1:00 pm

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Paper Making Workshop

Workshop | Taoist Tai Chi

An out­door demon­stra­tion of the Taoist Tai Chi arts. This event is orga­nized by artist Ai Sug­iu­ra on behalf of Sab­bat­i­cal Com­pa­ny—an artist col­lec­tive of four women Japan­ese artists — which focus­es on build­ing com­mu­ni­ty and engag­ing in phys­i­cal activ­i­ty to sup­port a health­i­er, more sus­tain­able life­long jour­ney as artists. In this demon­stra­tion, par­tic­i­pants from the New York City branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Soci­ety of the USA will demon­strate the Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Known by some as mov­ing med­i­ta­tion, the Taoist Tai Chi arts embody the teach­ings of the late Mas­ter Moy Lin Shin and the Fung Loy Kok Insti­tute of Tao­ism to cul­ti­vate strength, flex­i­bil­i­ty, and still­ness. Even begin­ners can fol­low along by observ­ing oth­ers and mov­ing gen­tly in sync with the group, which fos­ters a sense of com­mu­ni­ty. Through this one-hour expe­ri­en­tial work­shop, share a relax­ing time mov­ing slow­ly amidst nature.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Jul 27
2:00 pm

Workshops, July 27, 2024, 07/27/2024, Taoist Tai Chi

Workshop | Tai Chi on the River

Silvana Pizzuti shows how to practice tai chi, a slow moving martial art with health benefits for all fitness levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Jul 28
8:00 am

Workshops, July 28, 2024, 07/28/2024, Tai Chi on the River

Workshop | Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

The Movement Creative leads a 6-week series to learn the basics of parkour. Build your strength, agility, coordination, and mobility with fun drills, partner exercises, and games to learn jumping, vaulting, swinging, and how to put it all together. Have a blast while getting strong!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Jul 28
11:00 am

Workshops, July 28, 2024, 07/28/2024, Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

Workshop | Dance for Every Body with Urban Bush Women - Outdoors

Very well known dance company Urban Bush Women leads a movement jam/dance class embraces the idea that each individual has a unique and powerful contribution to make, and that our bodies are a powerful source of agency. UBW uses dance as both message and medium to bring together diverse audiences through innovative choreography, community collaboration and artistic leadership development, working to create a more equitable balance of power in the dance world and beyond.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Sun, Jul 28
5:00 pm

Workshops, July 28, 2024, 07/28/2024, Dance for Every Body with Urban Bush Women - Outdoors

Workshop | Harlem Film Day in the Park

A hands-on celebration of all-things Harlem Film. 10:00AM – 1:30PM: Begin the day with a pop-up archiving workshop, hosted by the XFR Collective. Learn about caring for home movies and other personal at-risk media with an on-site digitization tutorial. Bring VHS tapes if you have them! They will also have tables set up with crafts, zines, and snacks. 1:30PM – 5:00PM: In the afternoon, gather for a series of short talks on different aspects of Harlem film and visual culture. Speakers include: Martha Diaz (Hip-Hop Education Center), Boukary Sawadogo (CCNY), Nia Whitmal (Maysles Documentary Center), and Milton Allimadi (Black Star News), and Jerome Haford (CCNY Architecture & designer of the Sankofa Installation).
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Jul 28
10:00 pm

Workshops, July 28, 2024, 07/28/2024, Harlem Film Day in the Park

Workshop | Morning Meditation Outdoors

Start your day by balancing your mind, body, and spirit during instructor guided meditation. This renowned practice lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Jul 29
9:45 am

Workshops, July 29, 2024, 07/29/2024, Morning Meditation Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Jul 29
12:00 pm

Workshops, July 29, 2024, 07/29/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Modo Yoga NYC in the Park

Enjoy a yoga class in a truly unique location, taught by some of the best instructors in New York City. Modo Yoga classes are built on the foundation of our Modo series—a dynamic system of postures and breathing exercises. Modo classes are accessible to all, from beginners to advanced students. A typical Modo class will have around 40 postures. Each class is intended to open, strengthen and relax the entire body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Jul 29
6:30 pm

Workshops, July 29, 2024, 07/29/2024, Modo Yoga NYC in the Park

Workshop | Tai Chi in the Park

Practice this traditional system of health and self-defense. Derived from the philosphy of Taoism, Tai Chi was designed to develop the optimum degree of harmony between body and mind, as well as between the individual and the natural order of the universe. Classes are led by teachers and students who train nearby at CK Chu Tai Chi under the direction of Master Hyland Harris.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
7:30 am

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Tai Chi in the Park

Workshop | Dance Class Outdoors

A fun dance class with Emma Slater to celebrate the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
8:30 am

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Dance Class Outdoors

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
10:00 am

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba Outdoors

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
10:30 am

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Adult Zumba Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
12:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Origami Outdoors

Learn the art of creative paper folding in the Japanese tradition. All ages and skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
3:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Origami Outdoors

Workshop | Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Play the popular strategy game while getting pointers and advice from an expert. Chess improves concentration, problem solving, and strategic planning -- plus it's fun. For ages 5 and up.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
3:30 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Workshop | Dance Extravaganza With Ballet Hispanico

Shake it up with Ballet Hisp?nico and Tempo Alegre! Dive into Latin social dances like salsa and merengue. All ages and levels welcome. Don't miss out on this dance extravaganza!
   New York City, NY; NYC
Tue, Jul 30
5:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Dance Extravaganza With Ballet Hispanico

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
5:30 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
6:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Play bridge in a stress-free environment

One of the most popular card games of the last century, bridge is still enjoyed by professional and amateur players alike today - and now you can stop by and enjoy it too! Bring your bridge partner, or you will be matched up with someone to play as a pair. There will be instructions and the chance to observe players, making this a perfect event for beginners looking to learn how to play bridge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Tue, Jul 30
6:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Play bridge in a stress-free environment

Workshop | Yoga in the Park

Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and centering the mind. Explore a full range of yoga poses, along with breathwork and meditation. Students of all levels are welcome. Classes are offered by Molly Ginty, a veteran instructor with two decades of experience teaching yoga in New York City. Bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel!) to enjoy the sights and sounds of an oasis in the city and a calming yoga session for fitness, flexibility, and stress release.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
6:00 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Flow Yoga in the Park

Unwind from your day with a flow yoga class with Coach Natalia. Improve your mobility with deep stretching, balancing postures, and breathwork in this vinyasa style yoga class led by Tone House coaches and open to all ability levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
6:30 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Flow Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws. Ages Adult 18+
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
6:30 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Jul 30
6:30 pm

Workshops, July 30, 2024, 07/30/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
7:00 am

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Figure Al Fresco - Outdoors

This event offers a unique setting to observe and sketch the human figure. Each week a model will strike short and long poses for participants to draw. An artist/educator will offer constructive suggestions and critique. Drawing materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
10:00 am

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Figure Al Fresco - Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
12:00 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Adult Chorus

Directed by Church Street School of Music, the chorus is open to all who love to sing. Learn contemporary and classic songs and perform at community events throughout the year.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
1:00 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Adult Chorus

Workshop | Knitting in the Park

Take part in these beginner classes with Knitty City. Volunteers are avalible to teach you how to cast, knit, purl, and more!   Yarn and needles are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
1:30 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Knitting in the Park

Workshop | Elements of Nature Drawing

A community of artists of all skill levels are inspired by our surroundings to create with drawing materials, pastels and watercolors. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
2:00 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Elements of Nature Drawing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
5:30 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Mindful Bodies & Reflective Practices

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Urban Bush Women in this participatory workshop focusing on self-care, rejuvenation, and (re-)constructing healthful images of ourselves and our communities to inhabit our bodies and reinforce holism from inside out to bring ourselves, families, schools, and communities to balance. No dance or fitness experience is necessary, just a body and a willingness to exhale! We kindly ask you to stay present for the full duration—an evening of mindfulness for all!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
6:00 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Mindful Bodies & Reflective Practices

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

Namaste! Unwind from the day with outdoor yoga. Immerse yourself in this meditative practice- surrounded by the Hudson's peaceful aura. Strengthen the body and cultivate awareness in a relaxed environment as your instructor guides you through alignments and poses. All levels are welcome. Bringing your own mat is encouraged, as provided accessories are first come first serve.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
6:00 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Conditioning Workout on the River

Sweat it out in the park. Experience Tone House's signature Conditioning workout every Wednesday, featuring sprints, agility drills, drop downs, partner work and sports-inspired movements designed to unleash your inner athlete. Whether you're a former athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, all levels are welcome to try this fun, challenging, and team-based workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Jul 31
6:30 pm

Workshops, July 31, 2024, 07/31/2024, Conditioning Workout on the River

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
7:30 am

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Mindful Movement Class in the Park

A 60-minute group workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
8:00 am

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Mindful Movement Class in the Park

Workshop | Pick Up Pickleball

An exciting fusion of badminton and tennis, pickleball has been proven to strengthen muscles, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance brain function.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
9:00 am

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Pick Up Pickleball

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Figure Drawing With a Live Model in the Park

Students will learn how to use the 8-head proportion guideline to determine the model's actual proportion and identify unique features based on this model. They will also learn how to create a stick figure using skeletal structure (skull, spine, ribcage, pelvis, arms, and legs), add muscles and thickness to the skeleton using simple geometric shapes, and finally, add shading to give it three-dimensional volume. This is open to students of all ages and levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Figure Drawing With a Live Model in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Players of all skill level are welcome to play. Socials are hosted and organized by Linda Fisher, and players play the National Mah Jongg League style. Participants are welcome to borrow equipment, or bring their own Mah Jongg sets.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Fiction Writing

Hone your writing skills at free workshops in the park's outdoor setting. Get a quick course in the art of prose fiction writing in this introductory workshop. You’ll learn a little craft, do a little writing, and get to hang out with your fellow writers in the heart of the city. Instructor Omari Chancellor has published short fiction in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Brainwxsh, Still Life, and Soft Punk.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Fiction Writing

Workshop | HIIT Workout on the River

At MTHD by Oscar, they take longevity seriously. Their highly methodical, holistic approach to training is based on functional movement. Start with the basics – push, pull, squat, lunge, hinge, and rotation as you build each workout. This approach optimizes strength and stability to create more balance in the body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, HIIT Workout on the River

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 1
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 01, 2024, 08/01/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Tai Chi - Outdoors

Improve balance, strength and focus through gentle exercises. The sights and sounds of the river provide a serene background for the ancient flowing postures.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
8:30 am

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, Tai Chi - Outdoors

Workshop | Adult Zumba Outdoors

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
10:30 am

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, Adult Zumba Outdoors

Lesson | An Artistic Celebration of James Baldwin

Richard Avedon and James Baldwin first met in 1945 when they were both working on a production of the play The Duchess of Malfi at DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx, New York. They formed a friendship that lasted throughout their lives. This encounter marked the beginning of a deep connection between the two artists, leading to Avedon capturing some of the most iconic portraits of Baldwin over the years. Their collaboration extended beyond photography, as they engaged in conversations about art, identity, and social justice, influencing each other's work and leaving a lasting impact on American culture. Participants will be provided with a black and white photocopy of an iconic portrait of James Baldwin taken by Richard Avedon and colorful construction paper, glue, scissors, and other art supplies. Everyone will be encouraged to reflect on their personal interpretations of James Baldwin's persona and legacy. They will be invited to modify James Baldwin's portrait using the provided materials. Participants will be encouraged to imagine Baldwin's image in their own unique way. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of artistic expression as a means of engaging with and reinterpreting historical figures and their narratives. The activity will conclude by encouraging participants to reflect on how their modified portraits of James Baldwin reflect their own perspectives and interpretations of his significance.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
11:30 am

Lessons, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, An Artistic Celebration of James Baldwin

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Trivia Night - Outdoors

Test your knowledge at this general knowledge pop culture trivia night, hosted by the NYC Trivia League.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 2
7:00 pm

Workshops, August 02, 2024, 08/02/2024, Trivia Night - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
9:00 am

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Drawing in the Park

Paint in watercolor or use pastels and other drawing materials to capture the magical vistas of the Hudson River and the unique landscape of the cove. An artist/educator will help participants of all levels with instruction and critique. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
10:00 am

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Drawing in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
11:00 am

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
11:00 am

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
11:00 am

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Contemporary Games Social - - Outdoors

Workshop | Dance Workshop with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Alvin Ailey’s Revelations is the world’s most popular work of modern dance. Learn excerpts from this masterpiece conducted by former Ailey company members Amos Machanic and Cheryl Rowley-Gaskins, and Ailey teaching artist Noibis Licea. Dance for a moment, remember it for a lifetime.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 3
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 03, 2024, 08/03/2024, Dance Workshop with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Workshop | Tai Chi on the River

Silvana Pizzuti shows how to practice tai chi, a slow moving martial art with health benefits for all fitness levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 4
8:00 am

Workshops, August 04, 2024, 08/04/2024, Tai Chi on the River

Workshop | Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

The Movement Creative leads a 6-week series to learn the basics of parkour. Build your strength, agility, coordination, and mobility with fun drills, partner exercises, and games to learn jumping, vaulting, swinging, and how to put it all together. Have a blast while getting strong!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 4
11:00 am

Workshops, August 04, 2024, 08/04/2024, Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

Workshop | Mindful Bodies & Reflective Practices

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Urban Bush Women in this participatory workshop focusing on self-care, rejuvenation, and (re-)constructing healthful images of ourselves and our communities to inhabit our bodies and reinforce holism from inside out to bring ourselves, families, schools, and communities to balance. No dance or fitness experience is necessary, just a body and a willingness to exhale! We kindly ask you to stay present for the full duration—an evening of mindfulness for all!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 4
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 04, 2024, 08/04/2024, Mindful Bodies & Reflective Practices

Workshop | Morning Meditation Outdoors

Start your day by balancing your mind, body, and spirit during instructor guided meditation. This renowned practice lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 5
9:45 am

Workshops, August 05, 2024, 08/05/2024, Morning Meditation Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 5
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 05, 2024, 08/05/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | 305 Fitness Workout on the River

305 is an addictively-fun dance cardio class that works you head to toe. Get ready to drop it low, tone it up and shake it to our curated DJ mixes! Instructors guide you through every move so class is always easy to follow. Please note that participants should bring their own mat and water bottle to the class.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 5
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 05, 2024, 08/05/2024, 305 Fitness Workout on the River

Workshop | Tai Chi in the Park

Practice this traditional system of health and self-defense. Derived from the philosphy of Taoism, Tai Chi was designed to develop the optimum degree of harmony between body and mind, as well as between the individual and the natural order of the universe. Classes are led by teachers and students who train nearby at CK Chu Tai Chi under the direction of Master Hyland Harris.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
7:30 am

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Tai Chi in the Park

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
10:00 am

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
10:30 am

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Origami Outdoors

Learn the art of creative paper folding in the Japanese tradition. All ages and skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Origami Outdoors

Workshop | Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Play the popular strategy game while getting pointers and advice from an expert. Chess improves concentration, problem solving, and strategic planning -- plus it's fun. For ages 5 and up.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
3:30 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Play bridge in a stress-free environment

One of the most popular card games of the last century, bridge is still enjoyed by professional and amateur players alike today - and now you can stop by and enjoy it too! Bring your bridge partner, or you will be matched up with someone to play as a pair. There will be instructions and the chance to observe players, making this a perfect event for beginners looking to learn how to play bridge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Play bridge in a stress-free environment

Workshop | Yoga in the Park

Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and centering the mind. Explore a full range of yoga poses, along with breathwork and meditation. Students of all levels are welcome. Classes are offered by Molly Ginty, a veteran instructor with two decades of experience teaching yoga in New York City. Bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel!) to enjoy the sights and sounds of an oasis in the city and a calming yoga session for fitness, flexibility, and stress release.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Flow Yoga in the Park

Unwind from your day with a flow yoga class with Coach Natalia. Improve your mobility with deep stretching, balancing postures, and breathwork in this vinyasa style yoga class led by Tone House coaches and open to all ability levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Flow Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws. Ages Adult 18+
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 6
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 06, 2024, 08/06/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
7:00 am

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Figure Al Fresco

This event offers a unique setting to observe and sketch the human figure. Each week a model will strike short and long poses for participants to draw. An artist/educator will offer constructive suggestions and critique. Drawing materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
10:00 am

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Figure Al Fresco

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Adult Chorus

Directed by Church Street School of Music, the chorus is open to all who love to sing. Learn contemporary and classic songs and perform at community events throughout the year.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Adult Chorus

Workshop | Knitting in the Park

Take part in these beginner classes with Knitty City. Volunteers are avalible to teach you how to cast, knit, purl, and more!   Yarn and needles are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Knitting in the Park

Workshop | Elements of Nature Drawing

A community of artists of all skill levels are inspired by our surroundings to create with drawing materials, pastels and watercolors. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Elements of Nature Drawing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

Namaste! Unwind from the day with outdoor yoga. Immerse yourself in this meditative practice- surrounded by the Hudson's peaceful aura. Strengthen the body and cultivate awareness in a relaxed environment as your instructor guides you through alignments and poses. All levels are welcome. Bringing your own mat is encouraged, as provided accessories are first come first serve.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Conditioning Workout on the River

Sweat it out in the park. Experience Tone House's signature Conditioning workout every Wednesday, featuring sprints, agility drills, drop downs, partner work and sports-inspired movements designed to unleash your inner athlete. Whether you're a former athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, all levels are welcome to try this fun, challenging, and team-based workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Conditioning Workout on the River

Workshop | Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

End your day with yoga in a beautiful sunset setting. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear comfortable and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 7
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 07, 2024, 08/07/2024, Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
7:30 am

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Pick Up Pickleball

An exciting fusion of badminton and tennis, pickleball has been proven to strengthen muscles, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance brain function.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
9:00 am

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Pick Up Pickleball

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Players of all skill level are welcome to play. Socials are hosted and organized by Linda Fisher, and players play the National Mah Jongg League style. Participants are welcome to borrow equipment, or bring their own Mah Jongg sets.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Workshop | HIIT Workout on the River

At MTHD by Oscar, they take longevity seriously. Their highly methodical, holistic approach to training is based on functional movement. Start with the basics – push, pull, squat, lunge, hinge, and rotation as you build each workout. This approach optimizes strength and stability to create more balance in the body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, HIIT Workout on the River

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | TV Writing

Hone your writing skills at free workshops in the park's outdoor setting. Get an introduction to writing narrative episodic TV in this introductory workshop. You’ll learn a little craft, do a little writing, and get to hang out with your fellow writers in the heart of the city. Miriam Datskovsky was a writer for the series Speechless (ABC Television) and a writers' assistant for The Carrie Diaries (The CW). She developed the original pilot Hacked for Bluegrass FanFare at ABC Studios, and worked as a development associate for Silver and Gold Productions. Her pilot Missed Connections made Amazon's Consider List, and other original pilots have been finalists for the Creative World Awards and the Screencraft Pilot Launch awards. Her journalism and essays have appeared in Los Angeles magazine, New York Magazine, Condé Nast Portfolio, Brides, and Ravishly. She has taught at the Posse Foundation and volunteered with WriteGirl. She holds a BA from Columbia University. 
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 8
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 08, 2024, 08/08/2024, TV Writing

Workshop | Tai Chi

Improve balance, strength and focus through gentle exercises. The sights and sounds of the river provide a serene background for the ancient flowing postures.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
8:30 am

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, Tai Chi

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
10:30 am

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Game Night - Outdoors

Grab your friends for bingo, quiz shows, and more, with prizes for winners.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 9
7:00 pm

Workshops, August 09, 2024, 08/09/2024, Game Night - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
9:00 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Drawing in the Park

Paint in watercolor or use pastels and other drawing materials to capture the magical vistas of the Hudson River and the unique landscape of the cove. An artist/educator will help participants of all levels with instruction and critique. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
10:00 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Drawing in the Park

Workshop | Chess Lecture and Simul with a Grandmaster - in the Park

Bronx native, global chess champion, and author John Fedorowicz became known as a force in American chess almost a decade before he earned the title of Grandmaster and twice represented the U.S. in the World Chess Olympiad, in addition to serving as captain for both the men's and women's Olympiad teams. He is also the winner of five World Open titles, with many international victories to his credit, from Cannes to Sesimbra to Wijk aan Zee, and he was inducted into the U.S. Chess Hall of Fame in 2009. Grandmaster Fedorowicz spends much of his time participating in NYC's chess community, teaching chess to children, and giving private lessons.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
10:30 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Chess Lecture and Simul with a Grandmaster - in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
11:00 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
11:00 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
11:00 am

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 10
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 10, 2024, 08/10/2024, Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Tai Chi on the River

Silvana Pizzuti shows how to practice tai chi, a slow moving martial art with health benefits for all fitness levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 11
8:00 am

Workshops, August 11, 2024, 08/11/2024, Tai Chi on the River

Workshop | Vinyasa Yoga Aboard a Ship

A vinyasa-based yoga practice on the deck of a tall ship. Start your Sunday with a mindful and physical practice that is accessible and challenging for all levels, peppered with information about the vessel itself. The practice will be followed by a tour for anyone who wishes to participate.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 11
9:00 am

Workshops, August 11, 2024, 08/11/2024, Vinyasa Yoga Aboard a Ship

Workshop | Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

The Movement Creative leads a 6-week series to learn the basics of parkour. Build your strength, agility, coordination, and mobility with fun drills, partner exercises, and games to learn jumping, vaulting, swinging, and how to put it all together. Have a blast while getting strong!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 11
11:00 am

Workshops, August 11, 2024, 08/11/2024, Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

Workshop | Morning Meditation

Start your day by balancing your mind, body, and spirit during instructor guided meditation. This renowned practice lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 12
9:45 am

Workshops, August 12, 2024, 08/12/2024, Morning Meditation

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Mon, Aug 12
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 12, 2024, 08/12/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Tai Chi in the Park

Practice this traditional system of health and self-defense. Derived from the philosphy of Taoism, Tai Chi was designed to develop the optimum degree of harmony between body and mind, as well as between the individual and the natural order of the universe. Classes are led by teachers and students who train nearby at CK Chu Tai Chi under the direction of Master Hyland Harris.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
7:30 am

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Tai Chi in the Park

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 13
10:00 am

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
10:30 am

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Origami Outdoors

Learn the art of creative paper folding in the Japanese tradition. All ages and skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 13
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Origami Outdoors

Workshop | Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Play the popular strategy game while getting pointers and advice from an expert. Chess improves concentration, problem solving, and strategic planning -- plus it's fun. For ages 5 and up.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
3:30 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Play bridge in a stress-free environment

One of the most popular card games of the last century, bridge is still enjoyed by professional and amateur players alike today - and now you can stop by and enjoy it too! Bring your bridge partner, or you will be matched up with someone to play as a pair. There will be instructions and the chance to observe players, making this a perfect event for beginners looking to learn how to play bridge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Play bridge in a stress-free environment

Workshop | Yoga in the Park

Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and centering the mind. Explore a full range of yoga poses, along with breathwork and meditation. Students of all levels are welcome. Classes are offered by Molly Ginty, a veteran instructor with two decades of experience teaching yoga in New York City. Bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel!) to enjoy the sights and sounds of an oasis in the city and a calming yoga session for fitness, flexibility, and stress release.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Flow Yoga in the Park

Unwind from your day with a flow yoga class with Coach Natalia. Improve your mobility with deep stretching, balancing postures, and breathwork in this vinyasa style yoga class led by Tone House coaches and open to all ability levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Flow Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws. Ages Adult 18+
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 13
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 13, 2024, 08/13/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 14
7:00 am

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Figure Al Fresco

This event offers a unique setting to observe and sketch the human figure. Each week a model will strike short and long poses for participants to draw. An artist/educator will offer constructive suggestions and critique. Drawing materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 14
10:00 am

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Figure Al Fresco

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 14
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Adult Chorus

Directed by Church Street School of Music, the chorus is open to all who love to sing. Learn contemporary and classic songs and perform at community events throughout the year.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Adult Chorus

Workshop | Knitting in the Park

Take part in these beginner classes with Knitty City. Volunteers are avalible to teach you how to cast, knit, purl, and more!   Yarn and needles are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Knitting in the Park

Workshop | Elements of Nature Drawing

A community of artists of all skill levels are inspired by our surroundings to create with drawing materials, pastels and watercolors. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Elements of Nature Drawing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

Namaste! Unwind from the day with outdoor yoga. Immerse yourself in this meditative practice- surrounded by the Hudson's peaceful aura. Strengthen the body and cultivate awareness in a relaxed environment as your instructor guides you through alignments and poses. All levels are welcome. Bringing your own mat is encouraged, as provided accessories are first come first serve.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 14
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Conditioning Workout on the River

Sweat it out in the park. Experience Tone House's signature Conditioning workout every Wednesday, featuring sprints, agility drills, drop downs, partner work and sports-inspired movements designed to unleash your inner athlete. Whether you're a former athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, all levels are welcome to try this fun, challenging, and team-based workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Conditioning Workout on the River

Workshop | Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

End your day with yoga in a beautiful sunset setting. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear comfortable and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 14
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 14, 2024, 08/14/2024, Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 15
7:30 am

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Pick Up Pickleball

An exciting fusion of badminton and tennis, pickleball has been proven to strengthen muscles, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance brain function.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 15
9:00 am

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Pick Up Pickleball

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 15
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 15
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Players of all skill level are welcome to play. Socials are hosted and organized by Linda Fisher, and players play the National Mah Jongg League style. Participants are welcome to borrow equipment, or bring their own Mah Jongg sets.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 15
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Workshop | HIIT Workout on the River

At MTHD by Oscar, they take longevity seriously. Their highly methodical, holistic approach to training is based on functional movement. Start with the basics – push, pull, squat, lunge, hinge, and rotation as you build each workout. This approach optimizes strength and stability to create more balance in the body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 15
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, HIIT Workout on the River

Workshop | Memoir Writing

Hone your writing skills at free workshops in the park's outdoor setting. Learn how to bring your life to the page in this introductory workshop. You’ll learn a little craft, do a little writing, and get to hang out with your fellow writers in the heart of the city. Cullen Thomas is the author of the memoir Brother One Cell (Viking). His nonfiction has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Salon, The Rumpus, The Sonora Review, World Hum, Current Biography, and Penthouse. He has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and the National Geographic channel and has taught at NYU. He holds a BA from Binghamton University.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 15
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Memoir Writing

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 15
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 15, 2024, 08/15/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Tai Chi

Improve balance, strength and focus through gentle exercises. The sights and sounds of the river provide a serene background for the ancient flowing postures.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 16
8:30 am

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, Tai Chi

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 16
10:30 am

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 16
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 16
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 16
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Harlem Moves with Limon Dance Company - Outdoors

The world-renowned Limon Company Dancers teach the energetic and ease-filled Lim?n Technique, accompanied by live music. No experience necessary; class is open to all levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 16
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 16, 2024, 08/16/2024, Harlem Moves with Limon Dance Company - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
9:00 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Drawing in the Park

Paint in watercolor or use pastels and other drawing materials to capture the magical vistas of the Hudson River and the unique landscape of the cove. An artist/educator will help participants of all levels with instruction and critique. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
10:00 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Drawing in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 17
11:00 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 17
11:00 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
11:00 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
11:30 am

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Star Gazing

A summer evening in Manhattan is made complete with the stars, planets, and moon in full view. Manhattan provides a great backdrop as we peer heavenward to see celestial wonders with the help of the Amateur Astronomer's Association.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 17
8:00 pm

Workshops, August 17, 2024, 08/17/2024, Star Gazing

Workshop | Tai Chi on the River

Silvana Pizzuti shows how to practice tai chi, a slow moving martial art with health benefits for all fitness levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 18
8:00 am

Workshops, August 18, 2024, 08/18/2024, Tai Chi on the River

Workshop | Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

The Movement Creative leads a 6-week series to learn the basics of parkour. Build your strength, agility, coordination, and mobility with fun drills, partner exercises, and games to learn jumping, vaulting, swinging, and how to put it all together. Have a blast while getting strong!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 18
11:00 am

Workshops, August 18, 2024, 08/18/2024, Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

Workshop | Sun Gazing

The Amateur Astronomers Association help you observe sunspots and solar prominences through safe telescopes.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 18
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 18, 2024, 08/18/2024, Sun Gazing

Workshop | Morning Meditation

Start your day by balancing your mind, body, and spirit during instructor guided meditation. This renowned practice lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 19
9:45 am

Workshops, August 19, 2024, 08/19/2024, Morning Meditation

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Mon, Aug 19
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 19, 2024, 08/19/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Ironstrength: Yoga and Pilates in the Park

Featuring renowned Sports Medicine Physician Dr. Jordan Metzl, from the Hospital for Special Surgery. His workout program, IronStrength, will bring everything from dance, pilates, yoga, barre and HIIT to the Park this summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 19
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 19, 2024, 08/19/2024, Ironstrength: Yoga and Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Tai Chi in the Park

Practice this traditional system of health and self-defense. Derived from the philosphy of Taoism, Tai Chi was designed to develop the optimum degree of harmony between body and mind, as well as between the individual and the natural order of the universe. Classes are led by teachers and students who train nearby at CK Chu Tai Chi under the direction of Master Hyland Harris.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
7:30 am

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Tai Chi in the Park

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 20
10:00 am

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
10:30 am

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Origami Outdoors

Learn the art of creative paper folding in the Japanese tradition. All ages and skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 20
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Origami Outdoors

Workshop | Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Play the popular strategy game while getting pointers and advice from an expert. Chess improves concentration, problem solving, and strategic planning -- plus it's fun. For ages 5 and up.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 20
3:30 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Play bridge in a stress-free environment

One of the most popular card games of the last century, bridge is still enjoyed by professional and amateur players alike today - and now you can stop by and enjoy it too! Bring your bridge partner, or you will be matched up with someone to play as a pair. There will be instructions and the chance to observe players, making this a perfect event for beginners looking to learn how to play bridge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Play bridge in a stress-free environment

Workshop | Yoga in the Park

Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and centering the mind. Explore a full range of yoga poses, along with breathwork and meditation. Students of all levels are welcome. Classes are offered by Molly Ginty, a veteran instructor with two decades of experience teaching yoga in New York City. Bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel!) to enjoy the sights and sounds of an oasis in the city and a calming yoga session for fitness, flexibility, and stress release.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Flow Yoga in the Park

Unwind from your day with a flow yoga class with Coach Natalia. Improve your mobility with deep stretching, balancing postures, and breathwork in this vinyasa style yoga class led by Tone House coaches and open to all ability levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Flow Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws. Ages Adult 18+
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 20
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 20, 2024, 08/20/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 21
7:00 am

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Figure Al Fresco

This event offers a unique setting to observe and sketch the human figure. Each week a model will strike short and long poses for participants to draw. An artist/educator will offer constructive suggestions and critique. Drawing materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
10:00 am

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Figure Al Fresco

Workshop | Morning Tai Chi

Tai chi—the ultimate mind and body workout, often described as “meditation in motion”—involves slow, fluid, continuous movements through formalized postures of centuries-old Chinese Taoist martial arts. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes to move around in.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
10:30 am

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Morning Tai Chi

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Adult Chorus

Directed by Church Street School of Music, the chorus is open to all who love to sing. Learn contemporary and classic songs and perform at community events throughout the year.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Adult Chorus

Workshop | Knitting in the Park

Take part in these beginner classes with Knitty City. Volunteers are avalible to teach you how to cast, knit, purl, and more!   Yarn and needles are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 21
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Knitting in the Park

Workshop | Elements of Nature Drawing

A community of artists of all skill levels are inspired by our surroundings to create with drawing materials, pastels and watercolors. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 21
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Elements of Nature Drawing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

Namaste! Unwind from the day with outdoor yoga. Immerse yourself in this meditative practice- surrounded by the Hudson's peaceful aura. Strengthen the body and cultivate awareness in a relaxed environment as your instructor guides you through alignments and poses. All levels are welcome. Bringing your own mat is encouraged, as provided accessories are first come first serve.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 21
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Conditioning Workout on the River

Sweat it out in the park. Experience Tone House's signature Conditioning workout every Wednesday, featuring sprints, agility drills, drop downs, partner work and sports-inspired movements designed to unleash your inner athlete. Whether you're a former athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, all levels are welcome to try this fun, challenging, and team-based workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 21
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Conditioning Workout on the River

Workshop | Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

End your day with yoga in a beautiful sunset setting. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear comfortable and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 21
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 21, 2024, 08/21/2024, Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 22
7:30 am

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Pick Up Pickleball

An exciting fusion of badminton and tennis, pickleball has been proven to strengthen muscles, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance brain function.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 22
9:00 am

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Pick Up Pickleball

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 22
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 22
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Players of all skill level are welcome to play. Socials are hosted and organized by Linda Fisher, and players play the National Mah Jongg League style. Participants are welcome to borrow equipment, or bring their own Mah Jongg sets.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 22
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 22
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | HIIT Workout on the River

At MTHD by Oscar, they take longevity seriously. Their highly methodical, holistic approach to training is based on functional movement. Start with the basics – push, pull, squat, lunge, hinge, and rotation as you build each workout. This approach optimizes strength and stability to create more balance in the body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 22
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, HIIT Workout on the River

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 22
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 22, 2024, 08/22/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Tai Chi

Improve balance, strength and focus through gentle exercises. The sights and sounds of the river provide a serene background for the ancient flowing postures.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 23
8:30 am

Workshops, August 23, 2024, 08/23/2024, Tai Chi

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 23
10:30 am

Workshops, August 23, 2024, 08/23/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 23
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 23, 2024, 08/23/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 23
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 23, 2024, 08/23/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Aug 23
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 23, 2024, 08/23/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 24
9:00 am

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Drawing in the Park

Paint in watercolor or use pastels and other drawing materials to capture the magical vistas of the Hudson River and the unique landscape of the cove. An artist/educator will help participants of all levels with instruction and critique. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 24
10:00 am

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Drawing in the Park

Workshop | Big City Fishing

Over 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River, including over 85 species in HRPK’s Estuarine Sanctuary waters. Anglers ages 5 and up are invited to participate at this program, with parental supervision required. Our River Project team provides all the necessary equipment and an on-site fishing tutorial. Participation is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginners and experts alike are encouraged to join Big City Fishing for a relaxing and educational experience at the water’s edge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 24
11:00 am

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Big City Fishing

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 24
11:00 am

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 24
11:00 am

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 24
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 24, 2024, 08/24/2024, Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Tai Chi on the River

Silvana Pizzuti shows how to practice tai chi, a slow moving martial art with health benefits for all fitness levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 25
8:00 am

Workshops, August 25, 2024, 08/25/2024, Tai Chi on the River

Workshop | Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

The Movement Creative leads a 6-week series to learn the basics of parkour. Build your strength, agility, coordination, and mobility with fun drills, partner exercises, and games to learn jumping, vaulting, swinging, and how to put it all together. Have a blast while getting strong!
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 25
11:00 am

Workshops, August 25, 2024, 08/25/2024, Over, Under, Through: Basics of Parkour - Outdoors

Workshop | Sketch Jam

Bring your favorite art supplies to this observational drawing event led by artist and illustrator Ishita Jain. No registration required, some basic supplies provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Aug 25
11:00 am

Workshops, August 25, 2024, 08/25/2024, Sketch Jam

Workshop | Morning Meditation

Start your day by balancing your mind, body, and spirit during instructor guided meditation. This renowned practice lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 26
9:45 am

Workshops, August 26, 2024, 08/26/2024, Morning Meditation

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Mon, Aug 26
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 26, 2024, 08/26/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Modo Yoga NYC in the Park

Enjoy a yoga class in a truly unique location, taught by some of the best instructors in New York City. Modo Yoga classes are built on the foundation of our Modo series—a dynamic system of postures and breathing exercises. Modo classes are accessible to all, from beginners to advanced students. A typical Modo class will have around 40 postures. Each class is intended to open, strengthen and relax the entire body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Mon, Aug 26
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 26, 2024, 08/26/2024, Modo Yoga NYC in the Park

Workshop | Tai Chi in the Park

Practice this traditional system of health and self-defense. Derived from the philosphy of Taoism, Tai Chi was designed to develop the optimum degree of harmony between body and mind, as well as between the individual and the natural order of the universe. Classes are led by teachers and students who train nearby at CK Chu Tai Chi under the direction of Master Hyland Harris.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 27
7:30 am

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Tai Chi in the Park

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
10:00 am

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 27
10:30 am

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 27
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Origami Outdoors

Learn the art of creative paper folding in the Japanese tradition. All ages and skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Origami Outdoors

Workshop | Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Play the popular strategy game while getting pointers and advice from an expert. Chess improves concentration, problem solving, and strategic planning -- plus it's fun. For ages 5 and up.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
3:30 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Drop-In Chess - Outdoors

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 27
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Pilates in the Park

Instructor Melissa Ricci from Base Fitness leads a flowing, multi-level Pilates Mat class that will tone and balance your muscles, align your body, strengthen your core, and give you renewed energy.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Pilates in the Park

Workshop | Play bridge in a stress-free environment

One of the most popular card games of the last century, bridge is still enjoyed by professional and amateur players alike today - and now you can stop by and enjoy it too! Bring your bridge partner, or you will be matched up with someone to play as a pair. There will be instructions and the chance to observe players, making this a perfect event for beginners looking to learn how to play bridge.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Play bridge in a stress-free environment

Workshop | Yoga in the Park

Stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and centering the mind. Explore a full range of yoga poses, along with breathwork and meditation. Students of all levels are welcome. Classes are offered by Molly Ginty, a veteran instructor with two decades of experience teaching yoga in New York City. Bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel!) to enjoy the sights and sounds of an oasis in the city and a calming yoga session for fitness, flexibility, and stress release.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Tue, Aug 27
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Flow Yoga in the Park

Unwind from your day with a flow yoga class with Coach Natalia. Improve your mobility with deep stretching, balancing postures, and breathwork in this vinyasa style yoga class led by Tone House coaches and open to all ability levels.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Flow Yoga in the Park

Workshop | Moving for Life - Outdoors

Moving for Life is a gentle workout that begins with breathing exercises, then moves into active aerobic dancing that strengthens body awareness.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Moving for Life - Outdoors

Workshop | Origami Meetup

OMG NYC (Origami Meetup Group! New York City) is a group for people to come together and share in the beautiful art of Origami - an ancient art of folding various mediums, most commonly paper. The word comes from the combination of the Japanese verb oru (to fold) and the noun kami (paper). Other materials often folded are fabric, wire mesh, sheet metal, tissue, thin plastic, cardboard, and straws. Ages Adult 18+
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Aug 27
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 27, 2024, 08/27/2024, Origami Meetup

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
10:00 am

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Figure Al Fresco

This event offers a unique setting to observe and sketch the human figure. Each week a model will strike short and long poses for participants to draw. An artist/educator will offer constructive suggestions and critique. Drawing materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
10:00 am

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Figure Al Fresco

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Adult Chorus

Directed by Church Street School of Music, the chorus is open to all who love to sing. Learn contemporary and classic songs and perform at community events throughout the year.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Adult Chorus

Workshop | Knitting in the Park

Take part in these beginner classes with Knitty City. Volunteers are avalible to teach you how to cast, knit, purl, and more!   Yarn and needles are provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Knitting in the Park

Workshop | Elements of Nature Drawing

A community of artists of all skill levels are inspired by our surroundings to create with drawing materials, pastels and watercolors. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided, and artists are encouraged to bring their own favorite media.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
2:00 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Elements of Nature Drawing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 28
5:30 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Park Yoga

Bring your mat and water and enjoy one hour of yoga with New York City’s top instructors.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Aug 28
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Park Yoga

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

Namaste! Unwind from the day with outdoor yoga. Immerse yourself in this meditative practice- surrounded by the Hudson's peaceful aura. Strengthen the body and cultivate awareness in a relaxed environment as your instructor guides you through alignments and poses. All levels are welcome. Bringing your own mat is encouraged, as provided accessories are first come first serve.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
6:00 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Conditioning Workout on the River

Sweat it out in the park. Experience Tone House's signature Conditioning workout every Wednesday, featuring sprints, agility drills, drop downs, partner work and sports-inspired movements designed to unleash your inner athlete. Whether you're a former athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, all levels are welcome to try this fun, challenging, and team-based workout.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Conditioning Workout on the River

Workshop | Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

End your day with yoga in a beautiful sunset setting. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear comfortable and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Wed, Aug 28
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 28, 2024, 08/28/2024, Yoga: Evening Salute to the Sun

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 29
7:30 am

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Pick Up Pickleball

An exciting fusion of badminton and tennis, pickleball has been proven to strengthen muscles, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance brain function.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Aug 29
9:00 am

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, Pick Up Pickleball

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 29
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Players of all skill level are welcome to play. Socials are hosted and organized by Linda Fisher, and players play the National Mah Jongg League style. Participants are welcome to borrow equipment, or bring their own Mah Jongg sets.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 29
3:00 pm

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, Mah Jongg Social - Outdoors

Workshop | HIIT Workout on the River

At MTHD by Oscar, they take longevity seriously. Their highly methodical, holistic approach to training is based on functional movement. Start with the basics – push, pull, squat, lunge, hinge, and rotation as you build each workout. This approach optimizes strength and stability to create more balance in the body.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 29
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, HIIT Workout on the River

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Thu, Aug 29
6:30 pm

Workshops, August 29, 2024, 08/29/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 30
12:00 pm

Workshops, August 30, 2024, 08/30/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 30
1:30 pm

Workshops, August 30, 2024, 08/30/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | New Games Social - Outdoors

Curious about a board game or looking to try something new? Hosts will be teaching how to play a wide range of fun board games every Friday.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Fri, Aug 30
5:00 pm

Workshops, August 30, 2024, 08/30/2024, New Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 31
9:00 am

Workshops, August 31, 2024, 08/31/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Learn Juggling in the Park

Get in a quick lesson, stay for the whole time, or just enjoy watching them put their skills to the test. They're a friendly group and open to drop-ins, even if you catch them outside of the regular juggling lessons. All skill levels welcome. Equipment is provided.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 31
11:00 am

Workshops, August 31, 2024, 08/31/2024, Learn Juggling in the Park

Workshop | Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

A fitness class to help New Yorkers get and stay fit.
   New York City, NY; NYC
Join the Club!
Sat, Aug 31
11:00 am

Workshops, August 31, 2024, 08/31/2024, Shape Up NYC Dance Fitness - Outdoors

Workshop | Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Play your favorite contemporary board games every Saturday afternoon. Featured games include but are not limited to Chameleon, Wavelength, Avalon, Parade, Splendor, Century Spice Road, Mountain Goats, No Thanks, Codenames, Werewords, Spyfall, Azul, Letter Jam, Dixit, In Kahootz, and Captain Sonar. A new game will be selected each week.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Aug 31
1:00 pm

Workshops, August 31, 2024, 08/31/2024, Contemporary Games Social - Outdoors

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Sep 3
10:30 am

Workshops, September 03, 2024, 09/03/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

An early-morning core body Boot Camp. Rotations through exercises like crunches, planks, push-ups, burpees, and mountain climbers ensure a mixture of cardio and strength training that will keep you coming back, and seeing results. No equipment necessary; smiles and high fives welcome.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Sep 4
7:00 am

Workshops, September 04, 2024, 09/04/2024, Boot Camp Workout - Outdoors

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Sep 4
5:30 pm

Workshops, September 04, 2024, 09/04/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Sep 5
7:30 am

Workshops, September 05, 2024, 09/05/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Sunset Yoga

A multi-level sunset yoga practice. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Sep 5
6:30 pm

Workshops, September 05, 2024, 09/05/2024, Sunset Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 6
10:30 am

Workshops, September 06, 2024, 09/06/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 7
9:00 am

Workshops, September 07, 2024, 09/07/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Chess Lecture and Simul with a Grandmaster - in the Park

Georgian American chess player Rusudan “Rusa” Goletiani holds the FIDE titles International Master and Woman Grandmaster. Goletiani won the Soviet Junior Championship for girls under 12 in 1990, when she was nine years old, and that same year, she was the Soviet representative in the World Youth Chess Tournament for Peace in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. In the 1990s, she was a three-time champion in her age category at the World Youth Chess Championship. After moving to the United States in 2000, she won the American Continental Women’s Championship in 2003 and the U.S. Women’s Chess Championship in 2005. At the 2008 Women's Chess Olympiad, held in Dresden, Goletiani won the bronze medal with the U.S. team and the individual silver on board three.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 7
10:30 am

Workshops, September 07, 2024, 09/07/2024, Chess Lecture and Simul with a Grandmaster - in the Park

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Sep 10
10:30 am

Workshops, September 10, 2024, 09/10/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Sep 12
7:30 am

Workshops, September 12, 2024, 09/12/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 13
10:30 am

Workshops, September 13, 2024, 09/13/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 13
1:30 pm

Workshops, September 13, 2024, 09/13/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | Game Night - Outdoors

Grab your friends for bingo, quiz shows, and more, with prizes for winners.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 13
7:00 pm

Workshops, September 13, 2024, 09/13/2024, Game Night - Outdoors

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 14
9:00 am

Workshops, September 14, 2024, 09/14/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Sep 17
10:30 am

Workshops, September 17, 2024, 09/17/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Sep 18
5:30 pm

Workshops, September 18, 2024, 09/18/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Sep 19
7:30 am

Workshops, September 19, 2024, 09/19/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 20
10:30 am

Workshops, September 20, 2024, 09/20/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 20
1:30 pm

Workshops, September 20, 2024, 09/20/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 21
9:00 am

Workshops, September 21, 2024, 09/21/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Sun Gazing

The Amateur Astronomers Association help you observe sunspots and solar prominences through safe telescopes.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sun, Sep 22
1:00 pm

Workshops, September 22, 2024, 09/22/2024, Sun Gazing

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Tue, Sep 24
10:30 am

Workshops, September 24, 2024, 09/24/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Sep 25
5:30 pm

Workshops, September 25, 2024, 09/25/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Thu, Sep 26
7:30 am

Workshops, September 26, 2024, 09/26/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Adult Zumba

Exercise in disguise! Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Bring your friends and come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 27
10:30 am

Workshops, September 27, 2024, 09/27/2024, Adult Zumba

Workshop | Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Bring your own project or choose something from a provided collection to work on during this freeform crafting workshop. The workshop will include materials for sewing, knitting, crochet, coloring, paper crafts, and puzzles.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Fri, Sep 27
1:30 pm

Workshops, September 27, 2024, 09/27/2024, Enjoy an afternoon of crafting and conversation

Workshop | Rooftop Yoga

Sputnik Yoga presents yoga sessions throughout the entire summer.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 28
9:00 am

Workshops, September 28, 2024, 09/28/2024, Rooftop Yoga

Workshop | Star Gazing

A summer evening in Manhattan is made complete with the stars, planets, and moon in full view. Manhattan provides a great backdrop as we peer heavenward to see celestial wonders with the help of the Amateur Astronomer's Association.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Sat, Sep 28
8:00 pm

Workshops, September 28, 2024, 09/28/2024, Star Gazing

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Oct 2
5:30 pm

Workshops, October 02, 2024, 10/02/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Oct 9
5:30 pm

Workshops, October 09, 2024, 10/09/2024, Wellness Wednesdays

Workshop | Wellness Wednesdays

Curated by Sputnik Yoga, Wellness Wednesdays will offer a variety of fitness and wellness themed classes on a weekly basis. Bring your own yoga mat or blanket.
   New York City, NY; NYC
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Wed, Oct 16
5:30 pm

Workshops, October 16, 2024, 10/16/2024, Wellness Wednesdays
Complimentary Tickets

to shows, concerts ... (CFT Deals!)

Performance | Acclaimed Comedian/Actor at a Major NYC Venue

Regular Price: $50
CFT Member Price: $0.00

Theater | Storytelling at its Best from Far Away

Regular Price: $51
CFT Member Price: $0.00
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