Forest Song is originated by artist and composer John P. Hastings who has created a number of site-specific performances, including Cloudsplitter in 2021. Forest Song utilizes a large ensemble spread throughout a park performing a variety of sonic materials. Harmonies are reflected, words appear, and the melodies from revolutionary hymns are recycled, all conjuring a human and arboreal conversation. Over the course of an hour performance, the audience is free to wander the park, to hear the musicians at a distance, while also observing them close-by. Myths and stories swirl around forests, some of them fanciful and fantastic, others feed into age-old tropes of colonial settlement. They have been many things to humans: a source of fuel, shelter, fear. They are a place of mystery and repose. Forest Song takes these many iterations of human conception of the forest to fashion a poly-narrative: a Native American home, a European folk drama, a technocratic “shelterbelt,” and now a conserved piece of the future. Forests are a mirror for humans: the reflection of wants and desires throughout years of existence.
New York City, NY; NYC